Your personal data should
be nobody's business.

We’re the independent, free browser that actively protects your personal information.

With DuckDuckGo, you can search and browse privately, watch YouTube with fewer ads, and keep your information to yourself — away from hackers, scammers, and privacy-invasive companies.

That's why millions of people choose DuckDuckGo over Chrome and other browsers.

Trusted for over a decade


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And Growing Fast


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Making it Happen

Take control of your personal information.

The DuckDuckGo browser is designed for data protection, not data collection. Our browsing protections, such as ad tracker blocking and cookie blocking, help stop your data from being collected. And our built-in search engine never tracks your searches. Available on Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android.

Our Story

Since 2008, we've expanded what we do to protect you no matter where you go on the Internet. Check out our story.

From our Blog

At, we publish privacy education, tips, and original research, along with DuckDuckGo news.







We're Hiring!

DuckDuckGo is a remote company of passionate people from over 15 countries. Join our fully distributed team and help raise the standard of trust online — from anywhere!

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